Stress and Working Mothers: Intervention Action Plan

“While acute stress is more problematic, the probability of it becoming depression is partially reliant on the background of chronic stress. The two compound, and where we find women with high levels of chronic stress, we see greater instances of organic acute stressors as well as cases of acute stressors that are partially or entirely caused by them; this occurrence is known as stress generation. (Hammen et al, 2009). Generally speaking, if a woman is enduring a high amount of chronic stress due to external causes and they are also experiencing several acute stressors, they are far more likely to develop MDE. This is furthered by an individuals genetic vulnerability to mood disorders.”

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Why I Don’t Tell My Child “You’re Fine”

“Any of these scenarios would make an adult with an ounce of self-awareness feel invalidated, unheard and unimportant by the person that they were expressing their fear, concern or hurt feelings to. As adults, we expect that these feelings should be considered by our surrounding family and friends, and when they aren’t, it often leaves us feeling a sense of dismissal (which let’s face it, doesn’t feel good).”

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Gentle Parenting, Mindful Parenting and Authoritative Parenting

“Of course, it’s important that we don’t fall too far into the side of Permissive Parenting which research has found to negatively impact children once they reach adulthood. Building a relationship of respect and compassion between the parent and child can look like setting healthy boundaries for safety and mental health, while still allowing the child both freedom and guidance, so they can learn resourcefulness and regulation.”

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